20 Best Tips for Optimizing Your Conversion Rate

20 Best Tips for Optimizing Your Conversion Rate

Each online-based business competes for an online presence. Customers’ attention can potentially turn into profits when they go through a conversion journey. But what is the secret of a higher conversion rate? How do you motivate users to stick on the website longer and make a desired click? 

You don’t have to be a multibillion giant to have high conversion. In the following article, you will learn the best tips for increasing conversion for your website and getting the most profit from your website. 

1. Establish Your Website's Objectives

Website conversion definition is the following: it is a specific action that a user completes on your website to achieve the predetermined results. The action can be anything that will benefit your business. For example: 

  • Subscribe to a service or newsletter. 
  • Register on the website. 
  • Buy a product. 
  • Click on a certain part of the site. 
  • Download software or a piece of content. 

Clear identification of the action will help you focus your efforts on landing page conversion optimization. A clear objective is a cornerstone of a website’s success. 

2. Gather and Analyze Visitor Insights

You should analyze your audience before making them a tempting offering. Gather relevant data to gain a deeper understanding of your visitors. The data can include the following: 

  • Navigation paths. 
  • Click-through rates. 
  • Bounce rates. 
  • Direct feedback. 

You need to understand your users’ needs, pains, and desires. Armed with this knowledge, you will know how to optimize your website for conversion. 

3. Clearly Define and Emphasize Your Value Proposition

The value proposition clearly states what benefits your customers can expect from your venture. It should be unique and different from your competitors to motivate visitors to stay on your website. Whether it is a newsletter, a product, or a service, a well-defined value proposition of your business can greatly contribute to the conversion rate. 

Address customers' needs learned from the preliminary research and promise to deliver the solution. This approach will help to emphasize your business value proposition. 

4. Evaluate Your Current Conversion Path 

An overly complex conversion path can be one reason for a low conversion rate. Evaluate your user’s conversion journey to find its weak points. Maybe a user has to make a few extra clicks? Maybe the desired element is too small or unperceivable on a bigger page? 

Conversion journey analysis is part of visitors’ feedback. Therefore, pay extra attention to this part of the feedback to know exactly what to improve in the website’s design

5. Conduct Competitor Research 

Learning can be made not only on mistakes but also on the success of others. Carefully analyze your direct and indirect competitors. You should ask: ”What makes them successful? What element of their website screams:” I can solve your problem!”? This approach works not only for big companies. Conversion optimization for small business website also implies competition analysis. 

When you understand the reasoning behind the decisions of your competitors, you will be able to apply them to your venture successfully. 

6. Optimize Key Page Layouts 

The layout of the key pages of your website is your primary tool in user conversion. Whether you are looking for landing page conversion optimization or better product sales - a page should be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. 

Check the position of calls to action, navigation menus, and content spreading. These elements should unassumingly guide a visitor through the conversion funnel. The following design methods can help to reach the desired results: 

  • Visual hierarchy and balance. 
  • Responsive design. 
  • Minimalistic approach. 
  • Brand consistency. 
  • Accessibility considerations. 

7. Implement Effective Sales Copy Techniques 

Sales copies are what make the impact and can convert a simple visitor into an actual client. Sales content should be clear, precise, and resonate with the reader. The following techniques will help your sales copywriting stand out. 

Include emotions 

Emotional contact is often what makes us make a decision. Offer users sensations and possible emotional experiences from your product or service. 

Be relatable

You can achieve relatability through telling stories. It can be based on a true experience or just well-crafted. The point is to illustrate that your value proposition works for other people. Testimonials from different clients can also help to be relatable. 

Apply short educational content.

People are not interested in an offer which they don’t understand. Short educational remarks can help pick users’ interest and motivate them to learn more about the product or service.   

8. Build Trust Through Reviews and Testimonials

Positive ratings on review websites and genuine testimonials are the key to making a positive first impression on your visitors. People tend to seek additional proof of a product’s worth before making a purchase. Positive reviews are an additional factor for website conversion optimisation.  

You can include short customer reviews on your key pages or near the call to action. To increase the impact of your reviews and testimonials, focus on those that align with your value proposition. 

9. Simplify and Streamline Site Navigation 

Intuitive navigation makes conversion easier and more straightforward. The fewer steps users have to take to accept your offer, the higher their chances of staying and completing the desired action. 

Use clear and understandable labels to mark your pages. Stick to a minimum number of menu items. This approach will help emphasize the website's key pages. Use breadcrumbs and search bars to help users access specific information or assistance. 

Sometimes less is more, and this methodology is especially true for CRO optimization. 

10. Enhance Page Load Speed 

A long loading page can be extremely frustrating for users. If the technical aspect of the website is lacking, even the most tempting offer will be missed. To reduce page loading time, you can use image compression and performance code optimization. 

Use a content delivery network (CDN) if you have sufficient resources. This feature will help people worldwide load your CRO website faster.

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Alex Lozitsky

Co-Founder and CEO of Che IT Group

11. Test Thoroughly Before Launch

Thorough testing is the key to the success of your updates and novelties. To evaluate preliminary results, run multiple testing cycles before deploying the new features. The following types of testing can help you evaluate your website’s performance: 

  • A/B Testing. 
  • Usability testing. 
  • Performance testing. 
  • Security testing. 
  • Accessibility testing. 
  • Stress testing. 
  • Content testing. 

12. Integrate a Live Chat Feature 

Live chat is an element of the website that can contribute to increasing conversions. The live chat feature will help find answers to immediate questions and alleviate potential concerns. More than 60% of visitors prefer live chat as a desired form of communication. You can also integrate an AI chatbot for this feature to save resources on human support. 

Live chat can also be a proactive function. It can suggest users certain pages of the website or ask if they need any help. Such a personalized approach helps build trust and motivate users to stay on your website. 

13. Eliminate Unnecessary Distractions

A path toward the desired goal should be intuitive and streamlined. Irrelevant content, excessive pop-ups, or too frequent calls to action can distract users. Testing and evaluating the conversion performance will indicate if there’s trouble with odd elements on the pages of your website. 

14. Optimize Your Forms Consistently 

Forms are the final step of the conversion process. They should look professional and representative. Make the fields of the form simpler by asking only essential questions. Make labels clear and readable, and provide straight instructions for the form. Use the auto-fill feature if possible. 

Try different layouts, button placement, and the number of important fields. Consistent form optimization will ensure your visitors have a pleasant experience they will likely share. 

15. Make Your Call-to-Action Buttons Stand Out 

Call-to-action buttons are a small but integral element of conversion optimization. They should be noticeable among other visual elements and text content of the web pages. You can also place several of them on the web page to ensure that a visitor will click on them.

Strategically placing the buttons where the user will likely look or scroll will help them stand out. Contrast colors and action-focused text within the button contribute to their distinctive look. 

16. Address and Reduce Cart Abandonment 

Cart abandonment is a widespread problem, especially in e-commerce. If you offer products on your website, active addressing of car abandonment issues will help with higher conversion rates and ROI improvement. 

First, analyze what exactly causes customers to leave the cart. It could be unexpectedly high prices, a complex check-out process, or fears regarding purchase security. Clearly identifying the reason will help narrow the scope of the solution. 

Try to add exit-intention pop-ups to ask users to reconsider their leave. Placing information about taxes and possible shipping costs beforehand will also help. If the customers are registered on your website, consider follow-up emails to encourage them to complete their purchase. 

17. Leverage Psychological Insights 

Psychology and techniques for influencing human behavior can become powerful tools for increasing conversion. For example, scarcity and limited-time offers can urge people to make decisions faster. Propositions of free trials help develop reciprocity in your visitors and make them go deeper into your site. Finally, trusted reviews and real stories about your value proposition can help create necessary social proof and increase trust in your brand. 

18. Incorporate Multimedia Where Appropriate

Multimedia elements such as short animations, popups, or videos can become powerful eye-catchers. They direct visitors' attention and help guide them through the conversion journey. 

However, you should not over-rely on multimedia. A busy page can divert visitors instead of converting them. Try different approaches to see where multimedia works best on the page and how many elements you should place. 

19. Provide Personalized Experiences 

Personalization is one of the best conversion optimisation strategies. Conversion is more likely when users see something that is relevant to their needs and preferences. Based on previous interactions with the website, dynamic content, and product offers create personalization. 

Using information such as users' names or dates of birth to send them automated greetings and offers can also help build more personalized communication. 

20. Utilize Surveys Effectively 

Surveys can also help with data analysis and conversion improvement. Utilize quantitative surveys, such as rating scales, and qualitative ones that require detailed responses. Strategically placing the surveys will help avoid overwhelming visitors and collect valuable data. 

You will learn first-hand what your users like and dislike about your website and which areas of improvement you should focus on next. 


We hope that this list of practical tips will help you understand how to increase website conversion. Focus on your value proposition and communicate it directly to your customers. Optimize your website’s performance and navigation. Create a personalized experience and test the new features. You can contact us if you need a team of professionals to implement these tips! 

Save the day before you lack development capacity, Contact us today

Alex Lozitsky

Co-Founder and CEO of Che IT Group

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How do I optimize my website conversion rate?
What is a good conversion rate for a small business?

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