AI-Powered Search Solutions: How ChatGPT Transforms Website Functionality

AI-Powered Search Solutions: How ChatGPT Transforms Website Functionality

Nowadays, many websites, in particular Amazon and Netflix, use AI to improve their search algorithms. Indeed, when a website has thousands or even tens of thousands of pages, it can be difficult for ordinary users to find exactly what they are looking for the first time. In turn, the presence of AI in the search considers their previous requests and thus narrows the search selection to pages most likely to interest them. Below, we will tell you how to use AI search engine on your website and also consider exceptional cases and features of its implementation.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Let's start with the definition: artificial intelligence is imitating human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific AI applications include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision.

The popularity of AI today is undeniable. According to statistics, the use of AI-based tools by the end of 2023 exceeded 250 million, which is twice as much as in 2020.

As for AI search engines, solutions for natural language processing are used here. The most popular AI tools in this category that can be integrated into ready-made digital products and services today are Perplexity AI, Anthropic, Google Gemini, and OpenAI.

How to Use it on Your Website

In fact, when you implement AI in your website's search functionality, you create a tool identical to Google within its limits (only unlike Google, the search results will be limited to the pages of your website). Thus, visitors to your website will benefit from semantic search.

The following websites will be able to benefit most from implementing an AI driven search engine:

  • e-commerce, for searching for products;
  • information resources for quickly solving role-playing problems;
  • user profile search systems;
  • databases and catalogs for finding pages that best meet the preferences of a particular user.

Fortunately, the current reality is such that you will not need to work on creating a working model to implement the intended functionality. Instead, you can use one of the many ready-made solutions (ChatGPT is one of the best, in particular) simply by integrating it into your website via API.

How Can Search on a Website With Artificial Intelligence Help?

Since modern web users are trying to find and consume the information they need without putting in a lot of effort and time, implementing AI assisted search can be the best solution to make your web resource meet this audience's needs.

In particular, thanks to the unique capabilities of AI to analyze tons of information about both a specific user (including previous search queries, visited web pages, and saved preferences) and the audience as a whole (including the most trending queries, the content of the web site, etc.) in a matter of milliseconds, this technology can act as a kind of filter for all pages that your website includes and generate search results only from those that most accurately meet the above aspects.

This means that AI can significantly reduce the time it takes to find pages that a specific user needs, and thus, if we are talking about e-commerce in particular, quickly push them to the next stage of the sales funnel.

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Alex Lozitsky

Co-Founder and CEO of Che IT Group

The Case of Adding Artificial Intelligence to a Website

Let's consider a particular case of implementing AI in web search implemented by the Che IT team.

We were approached by a client who owns a website aggregator for all kinds of Web3 solutions (exchangers, crypto wallets, staking platforms, etc.). The client wanted to update the existing functionality and improve the user experience.

One of the solutions aimed at this was the implementation of a search engine artificial intelligence in the website – it was assumed that it would provide a personalized approach to each visitor, increase audience engagement, improve the ability to find the desired content, and have a positive impact on the reputation of the website (since a solution that uses advanced technologies like AI is usually very popular with its audience).

What Specific AI Technologies or Methods are Used in the Project?

From the beginning, it was clear that the AI website search tools from OpenAI were the best for satisfying the client's request. At the same time, the capabilities provided by its API turned out to be quite limited to solve the problem set by the client. This API is not intended to scan the current site for content, much less to display recommendation links from the site. The fact is that ChatGPT gives a response from the reserve of data loaded into it and, depending on the version, may not even perform a request to the web; instead, it generates a response from an internal database.

What Specific Tools, Frameworks, or Libraries Do We Use?

After comprehensive research, we settled on the OpenAI GPT-4o API version, additionally using the PHP library openai-php and JavaScript. In particular, after a series of trials and errors, we decided to create an assistant in the OpenAI personal account, write clear instructions and an algorithm for the form, and convert the site content into JSON files for the assistant to read.

To speed up the generation of answers to user questions, we implemented streaming, which OpenAI offers, which allowed us to reduce the waiting time from 15 seconds to several milliseconds.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Integrated Into the Web Development Process

In our case, we used the ChatGPT API to create an interactive form on the website that functions as an assistant. This form lets users get quick and accurate answers to their queries in real time. The ChatGPT assistant can provide recommendations and information on current cryptocurrency ratings, answer frequently asked questions, and help with website navigation. Using the ChatGPT API ensures high-quality query processing and significantly reduces response time, which improves user experience.

What Prompts Can Be Used for Chat GPT on a Website

Since any training model, particularly the one presented in ChatGPT operates with colossal amounts of information, developers can use hints to optimize search results. They can have the following formats:

  • a list of ideas and topics that may be most interesting to users of a particular website;
  • user personas;
  • definition of keywords and context in user queries;
  • rephrasing of user queries.

Using these techniques to pre-clarify user queries speeds up the work of the training model, thereby improving the quality of the generated results and generally positively affecting the user experience.  


We hope the insights about AI tools search provided in this article, and the case from our portfolio helped you understand the full potential of implementing AI in search on your website and prepare for possible pitfalls in the integration process.

If you are considering adding AI functionality to your website, contact us. We will select the best tools and approaches to ensure a fundamentally new level of user experience and maximize traffic rates.

Save the day before you lack development capacity, Contact us today

Alex Lozitsky

Co-Founder and CEO of Che IT Group

frequently asked questions

Is ChatGPT suitable for implementing AI search on any website?
What are the main challenges in implementing AI search on a website?
Is implementing AI search cost-effective for small websites?

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