Top 12 Databases for Web Application Development in 2024

Top 12 Databases for Web Application Development in 2024

Hello, dear reader, welcome to our blog! Suppose you are reading it to build a successful web app. In that case, you should understand that it cannot be done without an essential component, centralized digital storage where you can save and extract important info about your business.

At the same time, choosing the correct option from ready-made ones aiming at these purposes can be difficult. Our article will explore the best off-the-shelf (but highly customizable) tools to help you choose the right one for your specific purposes.

An Overview of Database Management Software

So, let’s start with a definition. In a nutshell, it is a consolidated digital system that allows users to manage the information stored. Also, it provides you with a set of tools for its searching, retrieving, and modifying.

Usually, it is hosted on servers, and its logic is developed using a specific language. For example, a website database helps you organize and manage large volumes of information about your products and customers while ensuring its reliability, safety, and integrity. 

Key Considerations for Choosing a Database Management System 

First, check the compliance with industry standards and built-in security controls. You'll also have to make sure it can be easily scaled without additional heavy infrastructure, whether it's NoSQL, relational, cloud-based, or object-oriented.

Finally, examine the long-term availability of management resources and understand the configuration and maintenance costs. Considering these criteria, you can choose the optimal web based database for an app, ensuring its reliability, security, and efficiency.

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Alex Lozitsky

Co-Founder and CEO of Che IT Group

12 Leading Databases for Web Applications in 2024 

Surely, as a business owner, you want your database applications to work correctly, as well as protect and accurately process data. We analyzed existing solutions in this area and created a list of the 12 best online databases in 2024.

1. MySQL

MySQL is a relational web database known for its reliability, and ODBC support. It is widely used for web solutions and supports various data types, replication, and clustering. Besides, according to Statista, MySQL is the most popular among developers.

2. Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a powerful RDBMS developed by Microsoft that provides high efficiency, scalability, and data security. It offers analytics (including IA-based), data management, and app development tools.

3. Oracle

It is one of the most reliable online database programs with powerful backup and recovery features, often used for large enterprise applications. It provides scalability (thanks to portability and clustering capabilities) and security and supports comprehensive analytical and management functions.

4. PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is an extensible, open-source, ACID- and SQL-compliant relational database known for its high reliability and advanced indexing. It supports many extensions and functionality, including working with JSON and geospatial data.

5. MongoDB

MongoDB is a popular non-relational solution based on a document-oriented model and supporting time series data and ad-hoc queries. It provides flexibility in management when working with large and unstructured information volumes.

6. Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is a hybrid, scalable, and fault-tolerant distributed solution designed to work with large volumes of data in real time. It offers linear scalability and high availability without a single point of failure, making it ideal for mission-critical applications.

7. IBM DB2

IBM DB2 was developed by IBM and has AI-powered functionality, known for its, reliability and safety. It supports both structured and unstructured data, providing comprehensive analytics capabilities and management of large volumes of information.

8. Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytical system built on the Lucene engine. It provides fast and powerful full-text search, alerting, and clustering, often used to process and analyze large volumes of logs and information.

9. Neo4j

Neo4j is an ACID-compliant solution that stores and processes data organized as graphs. It delivers high efficiency in graph apps such as social networks, recommendation engines, and network management by offering intuitive querying and analysis of graph structures.

10. Firebird SQL

Firebird SQL is an open-source online database software that provides full support for stored procedures and triggers. It has multi-genational architecture and ACID-compliant transactions making it suitable for embedded systems and small servers.

11. Redis

Redis is a fast, non-relational, in-memory solution that supports rich data types, atomic operations, and Lua scripting primarily used for caching, session management, and fast apps. Redis simplifies digital customers' building, scaling, and deploying fast apps.

 12. MariaDB

MariaDB is an open-source tool built on top of MySQL and is fully compatible with it. It offers improved performance, compatibility with Oracle and MySQL, support for multiple storage engines, real-time analytics, and an active developer community, making it a popular choice.

How Software Development Companies Can Assist in Selecting a Database 

Cooperation with a software development company will allow you to avoid all possible problems and difficulties associated with choosing a DBMS and developing a database app. Such a partner will help you choose the most suitable DB for industry standards and the specific needs of your business.

For example, by collaborating with Che IT, you will know ​​which solution is best suited for your business. You also get a team of specialists with many years of database application development experience. Thus, we can help you reduce costs and create a fast, secure, and scalable option.

Conclusion: Top Databases for Web Application Development

The choice of database application software is critical to the performance, speed, and stability. Consider the options presented above, as they provide high efficiency, speed, and security.

If you want to get a high-quality online solution without wasting too much time, feel free to contact us. Our experts will care about all the problems associated with an app creation that will meet all your business requirements.

Save the day before you lack development capacity, Contact us today

Alex Lozitsky

Co-Founder and CEO of Che IT Group

frequently asked questions

Do I need a database for my web application?
Which database is best for app development?
Is MySQL suitable for web applications?
Is MongoDB superior to PostgreSQL?
What distinguishes a database management system from a relational database management system?

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